2024 Summer Institute Team Pride Contest

AFIT’s annual Team Pride Contest is a fun way for teams to show off their team spirit and compete for prizes while building lasting friendships and making memories at Summer Institute. 

If you're new to AFIT or you haven't participated in our Team Pride Contest in the past, this is an opportunity for your team’s ingenuity and pride to shine. (Participation is optional.) 

Signals of Change’ Scavenger Hunt 

For a chance to win AFIT’s traveling Team Pride Contest trophy, we invite you to participate in this year’s challenge: “Signals of Change” Scavenger Hunt... 

Collecting and analyzing signals of change is an important practice to master when building the foresight skills necessary to become a future-ready organization. During the 2024 Summer Institute, your team will learn what signals are and where to find them — and you'll work together to identify and collect signals of change and disruption. We'll be collecting signals on the Padlet linked below. 

“Signals of change” are vivid, eye-opening, real examples about how the world is changing, today. 

  • Small, local innovations with the potential to disrupt the status quo
  • Provide vivid detail about new and unexpected experiences, uses of technology, social interactions, shifting values, business models, etc.
  • Along with drivers, act as evidence and data points for plausible, provocative forecasts and visions of the future.

On Saturday, August 3, the winning team will be announced and will take home the traveling Team Pride Contest trophy. Will our defending champs at Central Arizona College let the trophy go? Only the future knows... 

Signals of Change Padlet
  • Anyone adding NEW signal tiles (clicking on the green plus in the bottom right corner) need to be logged into their organizational profile
  • Everyone can interact to the Padlet without an account (heart and comment on posts)
  • The posted signal with the most hearts at the end of Conference Day 2 (Friday at 4:30 PM) will be the winner of the contest 
Additional Contest Categories: 

Summer Institute attendees can also compete for prizes in these categories: 

1. Best Team Table 

Use your team table décor to create an inspiring space that fosters creativity and connection related to our theme for Summer Institute:  


NEW THIS YEAR: table decor cannot be more than a foot taller than the table surface. Please ensure items do not infringe on your team's ability to use the table for learning, notetaking, and dining, or disrupt the view for any other surrounding team tables.

Table size: 72" round tables (for teams of more than 8 people, multiple tables will be used). Each table will be dressed in a black table cloth.

2. Most Team Spirit 

Show us your team spirit through coordinated attire that reflects this year’s learning theme. 

3. Best Photo Booth Photo 

Gather your team, grab a few props from the prop table (or bring your own), and grace our future with your brilliant smiles.

New this year: AFIT has partnered with Pixster to provide an open-air photo booth with print-on-demand photos and a dedicated website where teams can download their photos. The Pixster photo booth will be available for team photos all afternoon on Thursday (8/1) and all morning on Friday (8/2).  

Judging for Additional Contest Categories: 

A secret panel of judges will select the winners of the additional contest categories. 


The Team Pride Contest is open to all 2024 Summer Institute registered attendees, including guests.   

Good luck!