
Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP):

Leading the radical renewal of higher education.


We believe that:

  1. A supportive CEO Network is vital for empowering the courageous leadership needed to navigate and shape the future of higher education.
  2. Innovation and transformation are indispensable for maintaining relevance and responsiveness in a changing society.
  3. Building communities of practice and fostering shared learning experiences propel growth and transformation.
  4. Learning from organizations outside of higher education can challenge mindsets, broaden perspectives, and spark big ideas.
  5. Creating a safe space for inquiry, exploration, and experimentation is essential for nurturing innovation.
  6. Embracing failure and learning from our attempts is just as important as learning from our successes.


The Alliance for Innovation and Transformation (AFIT) promises to provide an inspirational and transformative experience for all members, guiding them to explore pathways for innovation. This experience is characterized by:

  • An engaging atmosphere that stokes curiosity, fosters creativity, challenges mindsets, and champions change.
  • Accessible and inclusive programming that promotes innovation and yields actionable solutions and strategies that drive organizational transformation.
  • Year-round collaboration that connects colleagues from different member organizations, thereby enhancing impact and fostering broader engagement.

Supporting this promise, AFIT commits to:

  • Leadership and decision-making processes that mirror inclusive trajectories of change and growth.
  • A continuous learning journey shaped by members’ diverse needs and interests.
  • A meticulously curated calendar filled with timely, relevant CEO-centric, campus representative, and asynchronous events and programs.
  • A proactive communication strategy paired with a robust infrastructure that empowers members to pursue innovative initiatives, monitor progress, and share best practices.

Moonshots and Innovation Goals:

Moonshot 1: Transform AFIT member organizations into technology-driven powerhouses.
  • Innovation Goals coming soon!
Moonshot 2: Propel AFIT member organizations toward financial prosperity.
  • Innovation Goals coming soon!
Moonshot 3: Cultivate AFIT member organizations as incubators of human potential.
  • Innovation Goals coming soon!


Created in collaboration with AFIT's Executive, member CEOs, Reps,
and community members with the guidance of our strategic planning partners at

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