Photo of Central New Mexico Community College

Central New Mexico Community College

Tracy Hartzler
Tracy Hartzler President
Alan Cherino Business Analyst
Amardeep Kahlon Vice President, Education and Learning
Angela Sims
Angela Sims Chief Strategy Officer
Angelo Gonzales
Angelo Gonzales Ph.D. Chief of Staff
Ben Winans Instructional Consultant
Bre Partida-Castillo Executive Assistant & Governing Board Clerk
David Batzer Fellow
Erica Reed Director of Academic Affairs Learning Development
Erin Bradshaw
Franci Phelan
Gayle Rierson Sr. Executive Assistant to the President
Kristen Kohlstruk IT
Lorena Blanco-Silva
Lorena Blanco-Silva Chief of Staff
Nanette Cupp Business Manager President's Office
NIREATA SEALS Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Success
Patricia Wilber Fellow
Philip Lister Interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Rosenda Minella AVP EMSS
Samantha Sengel
Samantha Sengel EdD Vice President, Workforce and Community Success