Welcome New Member Jim Genandt, President/CEO of Manhattan Area Technical College, Kansas

AFIT members,

AFIT welcomes Jim Genandt, President/CEO of Manhattan Area Technical College (MATC)   Please join us in welcoming Jim Genandt, President/CEO of Manhattan Area Technical College (MATC) in Manhattan, Kansas to our Alliance.  

Since taking the helm in 2015, Jim has led MATC to steady enrollment growth, campus and off-campus expansion, and engagement with employers connected to college programs.  

Jim has also led the Kansas Technical College Presidents’ Council for the past 4 years. The group has been successful in receiving increases in state appropriations of over $14 million the past two fiscal years.  

Jim has served in higher education administration since 1983, with career journeys at Emporia State University (KS), Southern Arkansas University, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, Spoon River College (IL), and Neosho County Community College (KS).  

He has leadership and management experience with teaching/learning and curriculum design, successful accreditation projects, grants, fundraising, organizational structure and leadership, continuous improvement, and entrepreneurship/innovation within organizations.  

Jim has a Ph.D. in Public Policy & Administration from Walden University, an MA in American History from Emporia State University, and a BA in Political Science from Huron College (SD).  

Jim is a native of South Dakota and was on the staff of former U.S. Senator George McGovern from 1978-1981. Ironically, Jim’s 1988 Master’s Thesis was titled “The People be Dammed: The tale of Tuttle Creek” which concerns the flood control project around Manhattan, KS…where he now lives and works. Jim’s four adopted foster children are aged 19, 22, 44, and 45 and he has four grandkids, aged 3-18.